Twitter is a great place to keep up to date with the latest news and gossip from your friends and celebrities. However, it’s also an ideal way of finding out about brilliant offers, discounts and vouchers that can save you money, as well as getting tips and tricks for saving and advice on financial problems – all by following some personal finance accounts. There are many personal finance bloggers and social media gurus out there – but who’s really worth a follow? We’ve rounded-up some of the best accounts to keep an eye on. Martin Lewis – @MartinSLewis Probably one...
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Energy Saving While Cooking
Despite the good news that ‘The Big 6’ have cut their energy prices, gas and electricity still make up a significant chunk of our monthly outgoings. Last year, we took part in a Great Energy Race-a month long competition to save as much energy as possible. I learned loads of new information about energy saving, including some great ideas for using less energy when cooking. Here’s my Top Ten! 1) Only boil the water that you need in the kettle. If you’re not sure how much you need, then fill the mugs with water, and put that into the kettle....
How to Negotiate and Lower Your Utility Bills
When people talk about saving money, one thing they often forget is that everything in life is negotiable. Even your utility bills. So while it is great to focus on spending less on groceries or petrol, today we will talk about a strategy that is pretty painless, and that can help you save hundreds of pounds for just a few minutes spent on the phone.
Financial Feuds with Friends
It’s getting towards the end of the month and money’s running tight. Unopened bills are stacked beneath the letterbox and the rent is due. Payday still feels an eternity away. Circumstances like these gave rise to the much-maligned payday loans industry. For many though, looking to a friend for financial assistance is far preferable to the exorbitant interest rates and aggressive collection tactics of the payday lenders. Borrowing from our nearest and dearest can certainly seem a tempting proposition – a loan with zero percent interest (if they are charging, you might want to consider what kind of friend they...
Saving Money on Small Expenses
We talked previously about how it makes sense to try to save money on big expenses, like your mortgage or rent, your car, or your holidays, since saving 10% on rent represents much more money than saving 10% on a book. Still, saving money on small expenses can add up over time, and today we will cover all those daily expenses you can cut on to try to get more disposable income and pay off your debt or save towards something you really want to buy. Saving money on food Another topic we dedicated a post to was saving...
Job-hunting – Why do bad job interviews happen to good candidates?
Few people can honestly say they’ve never replayed a faux pas in their head and groaned: “What was I thinking?” Everyone has moments they wish they could travel back in time to and change. But if the gaffe is made in a high-stakes situation like a job interview, the desire to turn the clock back can be overwhelming. Unfortunately, until scientists come up with a working Tardis this isn’t an option. In the meantime, the next best thing we can do is learn from others’ mistakes before making them ourselves. So with this in mind, here are five car-crash interviews...